
Claude Debussy - Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp 德布西 奏鸣曲 中提琴 竖琴 亨乐版

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三首晚期室内乐奏鸣曲的中间作品创作于 1915 年春,紧接在大提琴奏鸣曲(HN 633)之后。管乐器、弦乐器和弹拨乐器的音色组合与生俱来,极大地营造出内敛的忧伤氛围。德彪西本人也证实了这一点,他说 "这首曲子非常悲伤。我不知道该笑还是该哭?也许是两者兼而有之?在另一个场合,他强调了这首奏鸣曲与自己 1890 年代作曲风格的相似之处,并说:"它让我想起了克劳德-德彪西(Claude Debussy)的一首非常古老的作品--夜曲"

作曲家: Claude Debussy
校订者: Peter Jost
乐器: Flute; Harp; Viola
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The middle work in the three late chamber music sonatas was composed in spring 1915, directly after the cello sonata (HN 633). The innivative combination of sounds – a wind instrument, a stringed instrument, and a plucked instrument – greatly contributes to the impression of restrained melancholy. Debussy himself confirmed it, saying: “It is terribly sad. And I do not know whether one should laugh or cry about it? Perhaps both at the same?” On another occasion he emphasized the similarities with his own compositional style of the 1890s, remarking of the sonata: “It reminds me of a very old Claude Debussy – the one of the Nocturnes.”

页数: 76
重量(g): 323.19
UPC: 884088674687
