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Vers la Source Dans le Bois pour la Harpe [Towards the Fountain in the Woods pour la Harpe]

$0 TWD
$1 000 TWD - $1 000 TWD
$1 000 TWD
$1 000 TWD - $1 000 TWD
$1 000 TWD

馬塞爾-圖尼耶為踏板豎琴創作的《走向森林中的噴泉》是為高級演奏家而作的曲目。樂曲包括一些踏板變化,開始時右手演奏噴泉流出的水,音符非常急促,給人一種魔幻世界的感覺。左手以自然的和聲完成這一部分,樂曲隨後以滑音結束,最後回到最初的主題。這首旋律優美的樂曲非常親切,演奏和聆聽起來都非常愜意。馬塞爾-圖尼埃(Marcel Tournier,1879-1951 年)是法國豎琴演奏家、作曲家和教授,他創作的許多曲目現已成為曲目的一部分,並拓展了這一樂器的技術能力"

作曲家: Marcel Tournier
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Towards The Fountain In The Water

Composed for pedal harp, Towards the Fountain in the Woods is a piece for advanced players composed by Marcel Tournier. Including some pedal changes, the piece starts played by the right hand interpreting the water coming from the fountain, with really fasts notes giving a feeling of an enchanted world. The left hand completes this part with natural harmonies and the piece then follows with glissandos before coming back to the initial theme. This melodious piece is really gracious and will be nice to play and to listen to. Marcel Tournier (1879-1951) was a French harpist, composer and professor, who wrote many pieces that are now part of the repertoire and that extended the technical capacities of this instrument.
頁數: 10
重量(g): 70.875
UPC: 888680878429
