Ave Maria Meditation about the first Prelude C major from The Well-Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach 聖母頌冥想曲 前奏曲大調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
爾斯-古諾(Charles Gounod)的《萬福瑪麗亞》包含作曲家自己創作的旋律,演奏在約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)的 "C 大調第一前奏曲,BWV 846 "的略微修改版本之上,該曲目選自《小調鋼琴曲》第一卷
作曲家: Bach, Johann Sebastian / Gounod, Charles
樂器: violin (cello) and piano; harmonium and cello II ad. lib.
出版社: Schott Music
Charles Gounod's Ave Maria contains a melody of the composer's own making played atop a slightly modified version of Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Prelude No.1 in C Major, BWV 846', from Book I of The Well-Tempered Clavier.Presented in this edition are the scores for violin and piano, or cello and piano.