Allegro 費歐寇 快板 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
憑藉全面的曲目和全新的現代設計,Edition Schott 系列將為 2013 年的百年慶典做準備,即使在其問世的第二個世紀,也將為音樂家們提供用於音樂課、音樂會和私人音樂創作的低價版本"
作曲家: Fiocco, Joseph-Hector
校訂者: Bent, Arthur / O'Neill, Norman
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
With a comprehensive programme and a new modern design, the Edition Schott series prepares for its centenary in 2013 and will provide musicians with low-priced editions for music lessons, concerts and private music-making even in its second century of existence.