5,000 TWD(한화 약 210,000원) 이상 무료 배송
5,000 TWD(한화 약 210,000원) 이상 무료 배송

A Single Step

$5,170TWD - $5,170TWD
$5,170TWD - $5,170TWD
作者:Keiron Anderson
樂器:Concert Band/Wind Orchestra

出版社:Songburd Music
A Single Step takes its inspiration from a familiar and contemporized Chinese proverb, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” which comes from a revered literary classic written by the notable Chinese philosopher, Laozi. Giving musical expression to this practical wisdom, A Single Step starts with a simple theme scored sparsely, which gains in momentum and energy as it hastens its pace to an exciting and triumphant conclusion. It is surely a piece to delight both performers and audiences everywhere as it brings to us images of a mission into space, or a long cattle drive somewhere in the Old West, or perhaps a voyage across the oceans to seek new lands and new beginnings.

千里之行,始於足下",這句耳熟能詳的中國諺語出自中國著名哲學家老子的文學經典。 一步之遙》用音樂表達了這一實用智慧,它以一個簡單的主題開始,配樂稀鬆平常,但隨著節奏的加快,氣勢和能量不斷增強,最後以激動人心的勝利結束。 這首樂曲肯定會讓世界各地的表演者和觀眾大飽耳福,因為它給我們帶來了進入太空執行任務的畫面,或者是在古老的西部某個地方長途趕牛的畫面,又或者是漂洋過海去尋找新的土地和新的開始的畫面。
