5,000 TWD(한화 약 210,000원) 이상 무료 배송
5,000 TWD(한화 약 210,000원) 이상 무료 배송

12 Studies op. 38

來自 Schott Music
$830TWD - $830TWD
$830TWD - $830TWD

작곡가: Fricker, Peter Racine
악기: piano
게시자: Schott Music

곡 목록:
Mirror-Chords - Toccata (Minor Seconds and Fourths) - Cantabile for the left hand - Canonic by inversion and augmentation - For the right hand only - Intermezzo - Thirds - Accelerando and ritardando - For the left hand only - Presto - Legato and staccato - Octaves

페이지: 36
가중치(g): 160
ISMN: 9790220105111