
The Oratorio Anthology The Vocal Library Tenor

Hal Leonard による
元の価格 $900TWD - 元の価格 $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD
現在の価格 $900TWD
": バッハ: ベネディクトゥス(ミサ曲ロ短調) ? Geduld, wenn mich falsche Zungen(聖マタイ受難曲) ? Ach, mein Sinn(聖ヨハネ受難曲) ? Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet (Christmas Oratorio) V Beethoven: ベートーヴェン:Meine Seele ist ersch?ttert (Christus am ?lberge) V Bruckner: Te ergo qu?sumus (Te Deum) V Gounod: サンクトゥス(聖セシリアミサ) V ヘンデル 穏やかな空気、メロディアスな調べ!(Athalia) ? 敵は言った(エジプトのイスラエル) ? 天使たちよ、この女をさえぎれ(エフタ) ? 警鐘を鳴らせ!(ユダ・マカベウス) ? 慰めよ、わが民よ、あらゆる谷は高められる、見よ、悲しみがあるかどうか、しかし、あなたは彼の魂を地獄に置き去りにされなかった、あなたは彼らを打ち砕かれる(メシア) ? 皆既日食(サムソン)Vハイドン: 天地創造 (天地創造) ? V Mendelssohn: If all your hearts, Then shall the righteous shine forth (Elijah) ? (ロベゲザング) ? Sei getreu bis in den Tod(聖パウロ) V Puccini: Glatias agimus tibi (グローリアのメサ) ? ドミネ・デウス(メッセ・ソレンネル) V Rossini: V Saint-Sa?ns: Vヴェルディ:インゲミスコ(レクイエム)Vヴィヴァルディ:Peccator videbit(Beatus Vir)

作曲家: Various
楽器: Piano;Vocal
出版社: Hal Leonard

曲目リストQuia fecit mihi magna from Magnificat (C.P.E. Bach)
Deposuit potentes from Magnificat (Bach)
Benedictus from Mass in B minor (Bach)
Ach, mein Sinn from St. John Passion (Bach)
Geduld, Geduld from St. Matthew Passion (Bach)
Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet from Christmas Oratorio (Bach)
Meine Seele ist erschüttert from Christ on the Mount of Olives (Beethoven)
Te ergo quæsumus from Te Deum Laudamus (Bruckner)
Sanctus from St. Cecilia Mass (Gounod)
Gentle airs, melodious strains! from Athalia (Handel)
The enemy said from Israel in Egypt (Handel)
Waft her, angels from Jephtha (Handel)
Sound an alarm! from Judas Maccabæus (Handel)
Comfort ye, my people; Ev'ry valley shall be exalted from Messiah (Handel)
Behold, and see if there be any sorrow; But Thou didst leave His soul in hell from Messiah (Handel)
Thou shalt break them from Messiah (Handel)
Total eclipse from Samson (Handel)
Hier steht der Wand'rer nun from The Seasons (Haydn)
Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan from the Creation (Haydn)
Fac me cruce custodiri from Stabat Mater (Haydn)
If with all your hearts from ELIJAH (Mendelssohn)
Then shall the righteous shine forth from ELIJAH (F. Mendelssohn)
Strikke des Todes from Hymn of Praise (Mendelssohn)
Sei getreu bis in den Tod from St. Paul (Mendelssohn)
Gratias agimus tibi from Messa di Gloria (Puccini)
Domine Deus from Missa Solennelle (Rossini)
Cujus animam from Stabat Mater (Rossini)
Domine, ego credidi from Christmas Oratorio (Saint-Saëns)
Ingemisco from Messa di Requiem (Verdi)
Peccator videbit from Beatus Vir (Vivaldi)
