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Current price $675TWD
作曲家:Franz Schumbert
編曲者:Layne Anspach
樂器:French Horn

出版社:Songburd Music
FRANZ SCHUBERT was an Austrian composer native to the cosmopolitan city of Vienna, colorfully called the “City of Music” as so many other non-native musicians composed or performed there, while others such as Mozart and Beethoven called it home.  While only 20 years of age in the year of 1814 Schubert composed a remarkable number of lieder (songs), drawing upon the works of many different poets of the period, which eventually connected him with the poems of Johann Goethe.  This lead Schubert in the year of 1815 to compose the well-known Erlkönig, op. 1 D. 328, based upon Goethe’s poem Der Erlköning, which was taken and revised from a widely told Scandinavian folk tale about a sinister daughter of a forest-dwelling Elf King.   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a poet, playwright and novelist who is thought to have been influenced by the Sturm und Drang literary movement, becoming perhaps one of the greatest authors in the German language whose works have had a lasting impression on Western literature to this day.  Notably, it ought to be mentioned that many of his poems were set to music by the likes of Mozart, Liszt, Wagner, Mahler, Berlioz, Beethoven and of course Schubert, who used Goethe’s poem, Der Erlkönig, to produce one of his more fanciful art songs that depicts the death of a child who is attacked by the “king of the elves,” a mystical being who lingers in the woods only to stalk little children and kill them with a touch of his hand.   The story of the Erlkönig is considered by some to have come from the Danish folk ballad Elveskud, and that Goethe’s variant was inspired by a work written by the philosopher, Johann Gottfried von Herder.  It tells the story of a boy who is being carried home by his father during the night, and the child hears noises and seems to see things in the woods, while the father attempts to comfort the son by explaining away the things that scare him, all the while riding ever faster on horseback, only in the end to discover that his son has died. (The Erlkönig translates literally from the German as “Alder King” rather than the commonly used “Elf King.”) For this arrangement, German lyrics are included to assist the performer in connecting the music to the thoughts, feelings, and specific moments expressed in the words that might otherwise be lost if not aligned with the music.  Noting that changes in mood or tone of the music are better understood when aligned with the words, and by including the lyrics, the performer can phrase a passage while having a guide to see the end of the musical line.   Romantic lieder allows for rubato in performance, as playing the piece exactly as written on the page will result in a less inspiring rendition.  To match the horn’s register with the vocal line, the piano part required alterations by moving some notation higher in the register.

弗朗茨-舒伯特是奧地利作曲家,生於國際大都市維也納,被稱為 "音樂之城",因為許多其他非本地音樂家都在這裡作曲或演出,而莫札特和貝多芬等人則以維也納為家。 1814 年,年僅 20 歲的舒伯特創作了大量的敘事曲(歌曲),他借鑒了當時許多不同詩人的作品,最終與約翰-歌德的詩歌結下了不解之緣。 1815年,舒伯特根據歌德的詩作《Der Erlköning》創作了著名的《Erlkönig》,作品1 D.328。

約翰-沃爾夫岡-馮-歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)是一位詩人、劇作家和小說家,人們認為他受到了 "激浪派 "文學運動的影響,可能成為了德語中最偉大的作家之一,其作品至今仍對西方文學產生著深遠的影響。 值得一提的是,他的許多詩歌都被莫札特、李斯特、瓦格納、馬勒、柏遼茲、貝多芬等人譜成了樂曲,舒伯特當然也不例外,他用歌德的詩歌《精靈之王》創作了一首更富想像力的藝術歌曲,描繪了一個被 "精靈之王 "襲擊的孩子的死亡故事。

有人認為,"精靈王 "的故事來自丹麥民謠《精靈之歌》,歌德的改編靈感來自哲學家約翰-戈特弗裡德-馮-赫爾德的作品。 它講述了一個男孩被父親在夜裡抱回家的故事,孩子在樹林裡聽到了聲音,似乎看到了一些東西,而父親則試圖安慰兒子,向他解釋那些讓他害怕的事情,同時在馬背上越騎越快,最後卻發現兒子已經死了。(Erlkönig在德語中直譯為 "榿木王",而不是常用的 "精靈王")。

在這一編曲中,加入了德語歌詞,以説明演奏者將音樂與歌詞中表達的思想、情感和特定時刻聯繫起來,否則,如果不與音樂保持一致,可能會丟失這些思想、情感和特定時刻。 注意到音樂情緒或音調的變化在與歌詞保持一致的情況下會更好地理解,通過加入歌詞,演奏者可以對一段樂句進行措辭,同時有一個指引,可以看到音樂線條的末端。

浪漫主義敘事曲允許演奏者在演奏中使用揉弦,因為完全按照樂譜上的文字來演奏樂曲會使演奏者的靈感大打折扣。 為了使圓號的音域與聲樂線條相匹配,鋼琴部分需要做一些改動,將一些音符移到更高的音域。
