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作曲家:Ed Sheeran
編曲者:Sabrina Tabby
樂器:String Quartet

出版社:Songburd Music
On Behalf of ATLYS, it is my privilege to present to you our arrangement of the song Perfect. This arrangement is inspired by Ed Sheeran's top-charting hit of 2017. Specifically, the second version of “Perfect” that featured one of our all-time idols, Beyoncé. In an interview, Sheeran told a story about how nervous he was to reach out and collaborate with someone who was so iconic and celebrated. Still, with a fearless attitude, he took a chance and asked anyway - and we are so glad he did! Beyoncé's one-of-a-kind voice is a worthy pursuit to recreate on a string instrument - look out for those "solo Beyoncé moments" in the cello (m. 28) and the viola (m. 32) part. The concept for this piece first surfaced in late 2018, admittedly with the primary hope of attracting younger audiences. Completely unfamiliar with the song, we “binge-listened” to it one day while on the road between shows. On the 5th or 6th time through, our cellist Genevieve mentioned that the chord progression could work well with the American hymn "Amazing Grace." As she drove, we sang along to figure out just how the two melodies could co-exist, and I quickly notated it. This being one of my first full-length, stand-alone string quartet arrangements, I sought the advice of my dear friend, Ari Fisher - a brilliant Los Angelas-based composer and string expert. He sat with me over the phone as we tweaked each detail and enriched harmonies in ways I could only dream about! Coincidentally, Ari had recently worked on a version of "Amazing Grace," in which he re-imagined the harmonic structure. Ari insisted that I use his orchestration of "Amazing Grace" with a breath-taking cello solo to end the piece (m. 46) - how could I say no? There is not a single doubt in my mind that the success of this piece stems directly from Ari's help. Considering Sheeran’s fame and accolades we may find his story of being self-conscious ridiculous. I find it relatable and moving as it is normal to have doubts and pre-conceptions that hold us back from our dreams at any point in our life. We could never have guessed that this arrangement would become an instantaneous favorite with audiences of all ages, and not just with a younger crowd. Within months of its release on Spotify, "Perfect" surpassed 1,000,000 streams. Sheeran's example reminds us that we should always strive to dream big and reach for the stars! We hope you enjoy this arrangement of "Perfect" and that it inspires you in the same way it has inspired us. - Sabrina

我很榮幸代表 ATLYS 向大家介紹我們對《完美》這首歌的編曲。

這首歌的編曲靈感來自艾德-希蘭(Ed Sheeran)2017 年的熱門歌曲。 具體來說,就是由我們的偶像之一碧昂斯演唱的第二版《Perfect》。在一次採訪中,希蘭講述了一個故事,說自己在接觸並與一位如此具有代表性和知名度的人合作時是多麼緊張。不過,他還是抱著無所畏懼的態度,冒著風險提出了請求--我們很高興他做到了!碧昂斯獨一無二的嗓音值得在絃樂器上重現--請留意大提琴(第 28 段)和中提琴(第 32 段)部分的 "碧昂斯獨奏時刻"。

這首曲子的概念最初浮現於 2018 年末,誠然主要是希望吸引年輕觀眾。我們對這首歌完全陌生,有一天在演出間隙的路上 "狂聽 "了一遍。在聽到第 5、6 遍的時候,我們的大提琴手 Genevieve 提到,這首歌的和絃進行可以與美國讚美詩 "奇異恩典 "搭配使用。她一邊開車,我們一邊唱,想知道這兩種旋律如何共存,我很快就記了下來。這是我第一首獨立的絃樂四重奏作品,我徵求了好友阿裡-費舍爾(Ari Fisher)的意見,他是一位出色的洛杉磯作曲家和絃樂專家。他通過電話與我坐在一起,我們調整了每個細節,並以我夢寐以求的方式豐富了和聲!

巧合的是,阿裡最近創作了一個版本的 "奇異恩典",他在其中重新構思了和聲結構。阿裡堅持要我使用他配器的 "奇異恩典",並在樂曲的結尾(第 46 小節)加入令人屏息的大提琴獨奏--我怎麼能拒絕呢?我毫不懷疑,這首曲子的成功直接源于阿裡的幫助。

考慮到希蘭的名氣和榮譽,我們可能會覺得他自卑的故事很可笑。 但我覺得這個故事很貼近生活,令人感動,因為在人生的任何階段,懷疑和成見都是正常的,都會阻礙我們實現夢想。我們怎麼也想不到,這首歌一經推出就受到了各個年齡段聽眾的喜愛,而不僅僅是年輕人。完美》在 Spotify 上發佈幾個月後,流媒體播放量就突破了 1,000,000 次。希蘭的例子提醒我們,我們應該永遠努力實現遠大夢想,向著星空進發!我們希望您喜歡這首《Perfect》,並希望它能像激勵我們一樣激勵您。

 - 薩布麗娜
