Lo Speziale - Der Apotheker Hob. XXVIII:3 -Dramma giocoso- Dramma giocoso
Arranger: Wernhard, Eike
Editor: Wirth, Helmut
Instrument: vocal duets and ensembles
Publisher: Bärenreiter
The newly-built opera house in the park at Schloss Eszterháza was opened in September 1768 with Lo Speziale . The work has combinations of roles and the complications typical for opera buffa . The two youths Mengone and Volpino complete for the affections of Grilletta , the pretty ward of the strange apothecary Sempronio . But the apothecary would prefer the girl for himself. In the end, true love triumphs.
Unfortunately, the score of Lo Speziale has not survived the centuries in a complete form. Parts of the music of the third act are lost. The corresponding text has been taken from the libretto.
The appendix includes a second version of aria no. 7, which has survived in Haydn’s autograph .
The vocal score is based on the Urtext of the corresponding volume of the Haydn Complete Edition (XXV/3, 1959) and the Critical Commentary.
- Vocal score based on the Haydn Complete Edition published by G. Henle
- Practical performing vocal score
- Original Italian text, with German singing translation
- Detailed foreword in two languages (German/English)