
Winterreise 舒伯特 冬之旅 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

在 19 世紀,為長笛改編歌曲和詠歎調非常流行。長笛的音色越接近人聲就越完美(Anton Bernhard Fürstenau)。利奧波德-揚沙(1795 - 1875 年)是波希米亞小提琴家和作曲家,也是維也納音樂界的領軍人物之一。揚沙為小提琴和鋼琴改編了 12 首《冬之舞曲》,並為長笛和大提琴提供了替代部分。這一版本只重印了長笛版本,而這一版本在首次出版時已廣為流傳。這些歌曲在技術上並不難,但需要優美的音色和對風格的良好感覺"

作曲家: Schubert, Franz
校訂者: Jansa, Leopold / Waechter, Edmund / Weinzierl, Elisabeth
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann

Gute Nacht - Die Post - Mut - Der stürmische Morgen/Im Dorfe - Der Leiermann/Täuschung - Erstarrung - Wasserflut - Der Lindenbaum - Das Wirtshaus - Die Nebensonnen

In the 19th century it was very popular to adapt songs and arias for the flute. The tone of the flute is simply all the more perfect, the closer it draws to the human voice … (Anton Bernhard Fürstenau). Leopold Jansa (1795 - 1875), a Bohemian violinist and composer was one of the leading figures in Viennese musical life. Jansa arranged 12 songs of the Winterreise for violin and pianoforte with alternative parts for flute and cello. This edition confines itself to reprinting the flute version which was already the most widely circulated at the time of its first publication. Technically the songs are not difficult but they want a beautiful tone and a good feeling for style.
語言: German - English - French
頁數: 72
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790010350608