
Wild Flowers 小提琴獨奏 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

這首小提琴獨奏曲是 1987 年為小提琴家羅傑-紮哈布(Roger Zahab)創作的,他在紐約進行了世界首演。作為烏蘇拉-馬姆洛克的代表作,這首約 5 分鐘的作品非常短小。在分為五個小節的一個樂章中,她以極其精湛的技藝總結了自己的音樂事業: 開頭的主題鏗鏘有力,幾經變化,隨後是一段寧靜、抒情的樂段,但也使用了類似的音樂理念。接下來,由於開頭主題和緩慢的插曲日益融合,形式上的對比消失了,然後主旋律在最後部分以一種非常戲劇化的形式再次出現"

作曲家: Mamlok, Ursula
編者: Zahab, Roger
樂器: violin
出版社: Bote & Bock
This composition for solo violin was written in 1987 for the violinist Roger Zahab who performed the world premiere in New York. As is typical of Ursula Mamlok, the work of about 5 minutes' duration is very short. In one movement, divided into five short sections, she sums up her musical cause in an extremely virtuoso manner: A powerful opening theme, which varies several times, is followed by a quiet, lyrical passage which uses similar musical ideas, however. In the following, the formal contrast disappears due to the increasing fusion of opening theme and slower episode before the main theme is taken up again in the final section in a very dramatic form.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790202534540
ISBN: 9783793141518

