
Vocalise-Etude pour Voix Elevees for High Voice 梅湘 高音 聲樂

$460TWD - $460TWD
$460TWD - $460TWD

奧利維耶-梅西安(1908-1992 年)以其獨特的作曲風格著稱。他的《高音與鋼琴聲樂研究》融合了複雜的節奏、和聲、旋律以及他對鳥類學的熱情,是作曲家廣受歡迎的獨特風格。奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen,1908-1992 年)年僅 11 歲就考入巴黎音樂學院,並多次獲獎。作為一名鳥類學家、管風琴演奏家和作曲家,梅西安的許多作品都描繪了鳥鳴。1935年創作的Vocalise Study沒有歌詞,但涉及氣息控制、音程、樂句、音域、複雜節奏和半音階。Vocalise Study是所有尋求進步和提高技巧的高級聲樂家的必備之書"

作曲家: Olivier Messiaen
樂器: Vocal
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Vocalise Study For High Voice

Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) is known for his unique composition style. Incorporating complex rhythms, harmony, melodies and his passion for ornithology, his Vocalise Study for High Voice and Piano is no exception to the composer's popular, distinctive style. Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire at the mere age of 11, where he won many prizes. As a passionate ornithologist, as well as organist and composer, many of Messiaen's works also depict bird song. Vocalise Study composed in 1935, does not have lyrics, but addresses breath control, intervals, phrasing, range, complex rhythms and chromaticism. Vocalise Study is essential to all advanced vocalists seeking to progress and improve their technique.
頁數: 4
重量(g): 45.36
UPC: 888680829513
