Voca 小號獨奏 柏特-柏克版
來自 Bote & Bock
弗蘭克-邁克爾-拜爾於 2004 年為克利斯蒂安-阿倫斯小號三重奏創作了三樂章小號呼號,時長約 9 分鐘。這首小號號召曲既可作為獨立的音樂會曲目,也可作為大型節目的引子
作曲家: Beyer, Frank Michael
樂器: 3 trumpets
出版社: Bote & Bock
The three-movement trumpet call, with a duration of about 9 minutes, was composed by Frank Michael Beyer in 2004 for the Trompeten-Trio Christian Ahrens. Fanfare-like elegiac sounds, suited both as independent concert pieces and as an introduction to a larger programme.