Violin Studies 100 Most Essential Studies for Violin Tuition 小提琴 小提琴 小提琴練習曲 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
Violinissimo "系列第四冊收錄了早期小提琴教學中最重要的學習內容。小提琴研究》選自凱撒、唐特、沃爾法特、克羅伊策等人的標準作品。這本選集非常適合音樂課或希望提高技巧的小提琴手使用"
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
The fourth volume of the Violinissimo series features the most important studies for the early years of violin lessons. Violin Studies contains selections from the standard works by Kayser, Dont, Wohlfahrt, Kreutzer and many others. This anthology is ideal for use in music lessons or for violinists who wish to develop their technique.