
Violin Sonatas Violin and Piano 布拉姆斯 小提琴奏鳴曲

$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD

勃拉姆斯很早就開始接觸小提琴奏鳴曲這一體裁。早在 1853 年,他就創作了一首小調奏鳴曲,與這位自我批判的作曲家的許多其他年輕作品一樣,這首奏鳴曲已不復存在。因此,寫於 1878/79 年的 G 大調奏鳴曲作品 78 現在被認為是他對這一體裁的第一個貢獻;這首奏鳴曲有一個綽號 "Regenlied Sonata"(字面意思是 "雨歌奏鳴曲"),因為它的尾聲引用了一首歌的歌詞。1886 年夏天,勃拉姆斯幾乎同時創作了兩首奏鳴曲作品 100 和 108。現在,這三部作品都在小提琴史上佔有重要地位"

作曲家: Brahms Johannes
樂器: Violin;Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Brahms early on engaged with the violin sonata genre. As early as 1853 he wrote a sonata in a minor, which - like so many other youthful works of this self-critical composer - no longer survives. Thus the G-major sonata op. 78, written in 1878/79, is now counted as his first contribution to the genre; it has the nickname “Regenlied Sonata” (literally “rain-song sonata”) because of thequotation from a song that appears in the finale. In summer 1886 Brahms composed, almost simultaneously, the two sonatas op. 100 and108. All three works now have a firm place in the violinistic canon.

We round off our volume with the Scherzo in c minor that Brahms contributed to the so-called “F.A.E Sonata”, which he composed together with Robert Schumann and Albert Dietrich as a gift for violinist Joseph Joachim in 1853. With its stark contrast between the turbulent allegro and the emotional più moderato part, his scherzo has become a popular bravura and encore piece.

The present new edition is based on the New Brahms Complete Edition, and offers a musical text and commentary that have been revisedaccording to the latest research. The fingering is by respective masters of their instruments Frank Peter Zimmermann and Martin Helmchen.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
頁數: 202
重量(g): 807.975
UPC: 196288122357
