
Violin Sonata in A Major, Op. 100 for Violin and Piano 布拉姆斯 小提琴奏鳴曲A大調

$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

勃拉姆斯在 1886 年夏天訪問瑞士圖恩期間創作了一系列室內樂作品,其中包括 A 大調第二小提琴奏鳴曲。這首美妙的抒情作品是他最歡快的創作之一;他的傳記作者馬克斯-卡爾貝克曾隱晦地稱其為 "愛與歌的奏鳴曲"。第一樂章的第二主題引用了勃拉姆斯自己的歌曲 "Wie Melodien zieht es mir "的主旋律,其他樂章也同樣具有旋律親切的特點。樂評人愛德華-漢斯裡克(Eduard Hanslick)立即肯定了這首奏鳴曲在結構上的緊密連接,他指出:"三個樂章構成了一個純粹的三部曲,具有一致的舒緩情緒"

作曲家: Brahms Johannes
樂器: Violin;Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Brahms composed a whole series of chamber music works, including his Second Violin Sonata in A major, during a summer visit to Thun in Switzerland in 1886. This wonderfully lyrical work is one of his most cheerful creations; his biographer Max Kalbeck once cryptically called it a “sonata of love and song”. The second subject of the first movement quotes the principal motif of Brahms's own song “Wie Melodien zieht es mir”, and the other movements are similarly characterised by a melodious intimacy. The close structural cohesion of the sonata was immediately acknowledged by the music critic Eduard Hanslick, who noted that “The three movements form a pure triad of uniformly soothing moods”.

The musical text of this revised Urtext edition is based on the recently-published volume within the New Brahms Complete Edition, which guarantees the highest degree of scholarly precision. Frank Peter Zimmermann and Martin Helmchen, masters of their respective instruments, provide helpful fingerings.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
頁數: 54
重量(g): 260.82
UPC: 196288122241
