Violin Sonata 柯普蘭 小提琴奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 博浩版
作曲家大衛-戴蒙德(David Diamond)回憶起創作《小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲》時與作曲家在科普蘭紐約的閣樓裡一起演奏的情景。戴蒙德說,我建議他在最後一個樂章中使用和聲。奏鳴曲通常有三個樂章,最後兩個樂章演奏時沒有停頓。1944 年,科普蘭擔任鋼琴演奏,首演之後,維吉爾-湯姆森稱這首奏鳴曲是作者最滿意的作品之一。這首奏鳴曲既有科普蘭特有的沉穩高亢,又有令人振奮的活力,令人難以抗拒。- 衛維恩-佩里
作曲家: Copland, Aaron
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Composer David Diamond recalls playing the Sonata for violin and piano with the composer in Copland's New York loft at the time of the work's composition. Diamond said, I advised him to use harmonies in the last movement. The Sonata is in the usual three movements, the last two to be played without pause. Following the premiere in 1944 for which Copland was the pianist, Virgil Thomson called the Sonata one of its author's most satisfying pieces. It has a quality at once of calm elevation and of buoyancy that is characteristic of Copland and irresistibly touching. - Vivian Perlis