Violin Pieces Band I 小提琴小品 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
尼古拉-安德列耶維奇-羅斯拉維茨(1880/81-1944 年)年輕時學習小提琴,後來教授小提琴,甚至經常親自舉辦音樂會。他留下的作品包括為他最喜愛的樂器創作的大量作品:兩首小提琴協奏曲、六首奏鳴曲、《三首舞曲》(1923 年)和《24 首前奏曲》(1941/1942 年)等樂曲以及許多單曲。這裡首次出版的兩卷作品是他為這一樂器創作的全部作品。這些風格迥異、各具特色的作品創作於 1907 年至 1910 年和 1930 年之間,展現了他個人風格的發展。早期的作品比較傳統,而羅斯拉維茲後期的作品則顯示了他走向個人調性體系的道路;與斯克裡亞賓音樂的接近是顯而易見的。這種風格的曲目特別稀少,因此這兩卷都是真正的特色曲目寶庫,值得推薦給每一位小提琴家"
作曲家: Roslavets, Nikolai Andreyevich
編者: Lobanova, Marina
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Morgenstimmung (1907) - Romance (1907) - Sérénade (1908) - Élégie (1908) - Rêverie (1908) - Gavotte (ca. 1930)
Nikolai Andreyevitch Roslawez (1880/81-1944) studied violin in his youth, taught violin later and very often even gave concerts himself. The works he left comprise numerous compositions for his favourite instrument: two violin concertos, six sonatas, cycles such as Three Dances (1923) and 24 Preludes (1941/1942) as well as many individual pieces. The two volumes published here for the first time complete the publication of his works for this instrumentation.The different and varied character pieces date from the years 1907 to 1910 and 1930 and show the development of his personal style. Whereas the early pieces are rather traditional, Roslawez' later pieces show his way toward his individual tonal system; the closeness to Skriabin's music is conspicuous. The repertoire for this style is particularly sparse, and this is why both volumes are real treasure chests of character pieces and can be recommended to every violinist.