
Violin Concerto 麥克米倫.詹姆士 小提琴協奏曲 小提琴加鋼琴 博浩版

$1,480TWD - $1,480TWD
$1,480TWD - $1,480TWD

第一樂章以一個短小精悍的動機開始,拉開了快速、生澀的小提琴獨奏主題的序幕。緊接著是高亢、飄逸的歌唱線條,伴以低沉的伴奏。第二樂章以伴奏中簡單而富有表現力的旋律開始。在小提琴演奏旋律的同時,出現了一系列簡單的和絃。在一連串的插曲之後,音樂發生了意想不到的轉變,朦朧的愛爾蘭古曲混合在一起,喚起了人們對童年的回憶。第三樂章結合了前幾個樂章中歌曲和舞蹈的兩個概念,並加入了新的滑稽感和一些口語材料(德語)。在一段抒情的華爾滋之後,音樂以悲劇性的爆發、無伴奏快板和簡短的古埃及舞曲結束。這部作品獻給瓦迪姆-列賓,並紀念埃倫-麥克米倫(1935-2008 年)"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Dance - Song - Song and Dance

The first movement begins with a short, punchy motive, which kicks off a fast, jerky solo violin theme. This is followed by a high, floating singing line, with murmuring accompaniment. The second movement begins with a simple, expressive melody in the accompaniment. Whilst the violin takes up the melody, a series of simple chords emerges. After a succession of episodes the music takes an unexpected shift, with a hazy remembered amalgam of old Irish tunes evoking the memory of childhood. The third movement combines the two concepts of the earlier movements – song and dance – and adds a new feeling of burlesque, and some spoken material (in German). Increased vigour and a growing sense of abandon follow, and after a lyrical waltz the music draws to a close with a tragic outburst, an unaccompanied cadenza, and a brief codetta. The work is dedicated to Vadim Repin and in memoriam Ellen MacMillan (1935–2008).
頁數: 88
重量(g): 310
ISMN: 9790060123313
ISBN: 9780851627809
UPC: 884088945572
