
Violin Concerto A minor op. 82 葛拉祖諾夫 小提琴協奏曲小調 小提琴加鋼琴

$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

小提琴協奏曲作品 小提琴協奏曲作品 82 是格拉祖諾夫最著名的作品之一。自 1905 年由作曲家指揮、利奧波德-奧爾擔任獨奏的首次演出以來,幾乎所有偉大的小提琴家都將其列入自己的曲目。這部作品的結構在當時是非常規的。在抒情浪漫的第一樂章之後,第二樂章以其特有的alla caccia主題展現了震撼人心的精湛技藝"

作曲家: Glazunov, Alexander
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: M.P. Belaieff Musikverlag
The Violin Concerto op. 82 is one of Glazunov's best-known works. Since the first performance in 1905 conducted by the composer, when Leopold Auer was the soloist, virtually all the great violinists have had it in their repertories. The structure of the work was fairly unconventional for its time. The lyrical and romantic first movement is followed without a break (attacca) by the striking and virtuoso second movement with its characteristic alla caccia themes.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 200
ISMN: 9790203000679
