Vingt Quartre Etudes Journaliers de Soussman, Op. 53 for Flute 長笛 練習曲
馬塞爾-莫伊塞(1889-1984 年)曾在巴黎音樂學院師從長笛大師保羅-塔法內爾、阿道夫-亨內班和菲力浦-高貝學習長笛,很快就成為長笛大師。他編著的蘇斯曼的《長笛 24 個日常練習》是這位著名長笛演奏家編寫的眾多廣受歡迎的學習書籍之一。在莫伊茲的職業生涯中,他經常與許多交響樂團合作演奏長笛獨奏,包括演奏主要的協奏曲。除了演奏和作曲,莫伊塞還負責在巴黎音樂學院培養了一代傑出的長笛演奏家。一戰後,作曲家移居美國,繼續從事演奏、作曲和教學工作。在美國期間,莫伊塞創作了大量有關器樂技巧的指導性書籍,其中包括蘇斯曼的24 Daily Studies。莫伊塞的這本書對所有有抱負的高級長笛演奏家來說都是必不可少的
作曲家: Marcel Mose
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Having studied the flute with virtuosos Paul Taffanel, Adolphe Hennebains and Philippe Gaubert at the Paris Conservatoire, Marcel Moyse (1889-1984) soon became a virtuoso of the instrument himself. His editions of Soussmann's 24 Daily Studies for Flute is one of many popular study books compiled by the renowned flautist. During his career, Moyse frequently played solo flute with many orchestras, including performing the main concertos of the repertory. As well as performing and composing, Moyse was responsible for the training of a brilliant generation of flautists at the Paris Conservatoire. Following WWI, the composer moved to the United States where he continued to perform, compose and teach. It is during his time in the USA that Moyse composed his extensive number of instructive books on instrumental technique, including Soussmann's 24 Daily Studies, which today remain universally accepted and popular. Moyse's book is essential to all aspiring advanced flautists.