Vingt Etudes Progressives et Melodiques - Volume 2 for Clarinet 練習曲 豎笛
Progressive and Melodic Studies Volume 2就像單簧管的技術百科全書,為建立高標準的樂器技術提供了詳細的指導。讓讓的彙編涵蓋了從快速半音階學習到旋律小調練習曲的各個方面,是所有單簧管演奏家的必備之書。作為著名的單簧管演奏家,讓讓對技術要素練習的理解首屈一指。Progressive and Melodic Studies for Clarinet Volume 2從頭至尾提供了穩定的發展,書中有五種語言的標題,保羅-讓讓的這本學習書不容錯過"
作曲家: Paul Jeanjean
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Like a technical encyclopedia for the clarinet, Progressive and Melodic Studies Volume 2 provides a detailed guide to establishing high standard technique on the instrument. Jeanjean's compilation covers all aspects, from quick semiquaver studies to melodic minor études, making the book a must buy for all clarinetists. As a noted virtuoso clarinet player himself, Jeanjean's understanding of the practice of technical elements is second to none. Progressive and Melodic Studies for Clarinet Volume 2 supplies steady development from beginning to end, and with titles in five languages, this Paul Jeanjean study book cannot be missed.