
Vingt-Cinq Etudes Célebres pour la Flute 長笛 練習曲

$1,810TWD - $1,810TWD
$1,810TWD - $1,810TWD

長笛研究曲目數量眾多,但Vingt-Cinq Études Célèbres 收錄了著名長笛演奏家德魯埃最偉大的研究曲目。本修訂版以無與倫比的多樣性和法語、英語、德語、西班牙語和日語注釋,解決了長笛的所有難題。涉及的方面包括:演奏的均勻性、音程的準確性、音色、正確的指法、發音和動態等等。著名長笛演奏家路易士-弗勒裡(Louis Fleury)和揚-梅裡(Jan Merry)的修訂提供了更多重要的專業知識。 是所有高級長笛演奏家的必備之書"

作曲家: Luigi Cherubini
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
The number of studies for the flute is considerable, however, Vingt-Cinq Études Célèbres compiles the greatest studies by the famous flute virtuoso, Drouet. With uncomparable variety, and with notes in French, English, German, Spanish and Japanese, this revised edition tackles all the difficulties of the flute. Aspects covered include, playing with evenness, the accuracy of intervals, tone, correct fingering, articulation and dynamics, among many others. Revisions made by prominent flautists, Louis Fleury and Jan Merry provide further significant expertise. Vingt-Cinq Études Célèbres is essential to all advanced flute players.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 167.265
UPC: 888680794545

