Under the Skin A Film by Jonathan Glazer Music by Mica Levi
米卡-列維為喬納森-格拉澤 2013 年執導、斯嘉麗-詹森主演的電影《潛伏》(Under the Skin)創作的完整原創音樂。長笛、弦樂、打擊樂和合成器營造出一個生動非凡的聲音世界"
作曲家: Mica Levi
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Chester Music
Under The Skin
The complete original music by Mica Levi composed for Jonathan Glazer's 2013 film Under the Skin starring Scarlett Johansson. A vivid and extraordinary sound world conjured out of flute, strings, percussion and synthesizers.