Two Dances for Trombone and Piano 舞曲 長號(含鋼琴伴奏)
讓-蜜雪兒-德法耶於 1954 年創作的《兩支舞曲》是讓他成為國際焦點的作品。這首為長號和鋼琴而作的曲子很快成為長號曲目的標準曲目,並適合高級演奏家的演奏技巧。第一部分名為 "神聖之舞"(Danse Sacrée),是一段緩慢抒情的旋律,整首樂曲都在重複使用,直到快板;第二部分名為 "褻瀆之舞"(Danse Profane),採用桑巴節奏,結尾非常歡快。這兩首曲子都包含了一些爵士樂的基本元素。作為一名鋼琴家、作曲家、製作人和編曲家,讓-蜜雪兒-迪法耶主要為銅管樂器和管樂器創作樂曲。他曾於 1958 年獲得羅馬第二大獎賽第一名,1959 年獲得比利時伊莉莎白女王作曲比賽冠軍"
作曲家: Jean-Michel Defaye
樂器: Trombone; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Two Dances For Bass Trombone
Composed by Jean-Michel Defaye in 1954, Two Dances is the piece that put him under the international spotlight. Written for trombone and piano, it quickly became standard for the trombone repertoire and would fit advanced players' skills. The first part, called “Danse Sacrée,” is a slow lyrical melody that is re-used through the piece until the cadenza and the second, “Danse Profane,” has a samba rhythm with a really cheerful end. These two pieces both contain some basics of Jazz. As a pianist, composer, producer and arranger, Jean-Michel Defaye mainly created pieces for brass and wind instruments. He won the Premier Second Grand Prix de Rome in 1958 and the Belgian Queen Elizabeth composition competition in 1959.