Twelve Sonatas Band 2 奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
基爾霍夫 1685 年出生于米爾貝克(比特費爾德附近),1746 年卒于哈勒。他(與亨德爾一樣)是紮霍夫的學生,1714 年接替紮霍夫成為哈雷瑪麗安教堂的管風琴師和音樂總監。他的小提琴奏鳴曲受到利奧波德-莫札特的稱讚,非常適合用於小提琴教學,因為這些曲子巧妙地圍繞樂器的性能展開。特別推薦給巴羅克小提琴音樂的朋友們"
作曲家: Kirchhoff, Gottfried
編者: Serauky, Walter
校訂者: Bus, Ludwig
樂器: violin and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
Sonatas VII-XII
Kirchhoff was born in Mühlbeck (near Bitterfeld) in 1685 and died in Halle in 1746. He was (like Handel) a pupil of Zachov and in 1714 became Zachovs successor as organist and Director Musices at the Marienkirche in Halle. His violin sonatas, which were praised by Leopold Mozart, are very well suited for use in teaching the violin, as they are skilfully structured around the capabilities of the instrument. Especially recommended for friends of baroque violin music.