
Tune book for violins 41 Studies for 2 (or 1) violins based on “The Doflein violin method“ 辛德密特 歌調 小提琴 小提琴 小提琴 雙小提琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

保羅-欣德米特是少數幾位主要樂器不是鋼琴而是絃樂器的作曲家之一。他還為兒童和業餘音樂家創作作品,這要歸功於他對教育的興趣,而這種興趣不僅要歸功於他的專業同行,還要歸功於音樂愛好者。因此,當埃裡希-多弗朗(Erich Doflein)邀請他為他打算與妻子埃爾瑪(Elma)共同出版的 "小提琴教學法 "譜寫一些曲子時,他欣然答應合作。這套教學法的特點是以簡易而充分的原創作品為基礎,逐步介紹小提琴的各種技術可能性。欣德米特為多弗朗明戈創作的 41 首練習曲現在首次以單獨版本面世"

作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Schader, Luitgard
樂器: 1-2 violins
出版社: Schott Music

Kleiner Kanon - Pausenstück - Stück für die Rückung des 1. Fingers - Achtelstück (für Musikalisch-Fortgeschrittenere) - Tonleiterstück - Vorzeichen vor einzelnen Noten - Achtelstück - Melodie in zuweierlei Takt - Für eine Violine - Studie - Dur und Moll - Portatostück - Achtelstück - Punktierungsstück - Triolenstück - Saitenwechselstück - Trillerstück - Fuge - Stück mit Variationen - Rondo - Kanonisches Vortragsstück für zwei Geigen (Mäßig schnell - Leicht bewegt)

Paul Hindemith is one of just a few composers whose principal instrument was not the piano but a string instrument. We owe it to his interest in education which in turn was owed not only to his professional colleagues but also to the music lovers that he also wrote compositions for children and amateur musicians. He therefore gladly promised his collaboration when Erich Doflein asked him to write some compositions for the 'Violin Method' he intended to publish together with his wife Elma. This method was to be characterised by easy, yet fully adequate original compositions which gradually introduce the instrument's technical possibilities. Hindemith's 41 studies composed for Doflein are now available in a separate edition for the first time.
頁數: 60
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790001153294
UPC: 841886011885
