
Trumpet Method 小號

$4,340TWD - $4,340TWD
$4,340TWD - $4,340TWD

俄羅斯小號演奏家蒂莫菲-多克希澤(1921-2005 年)曾就讀于莫斯科國立音樂學院,並很快成為世界上最傑出的小號演奏家之一。他在小號演奏方面的卓越成就促使他編寫了《小號演奏法》,為許多有抱負的小號演奏家的學習提供了幫助。 在多克希澤的演奏生涯中,他既演奏古典協奏曲,也演奏現代協奏曲。人們認為他的獨特風格受到了他對歌劇的熱愛的影響。小號演奏法》力求解決預備練習的問題,融入了一系列音樂特色: 發聲法有助於提高連音音程,而序列法則有助於練習技巧。這本 Dokschidzer 學習書籍還融入了大量練習系統。對於所有有抱負的小號手來說,Doskchidzer 的《小號演奏法》是技術進步的重要幫助"

作曲家: Timofei Dokschidzer
樂器: Trumpet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Russian trumpeter, Timofei Dokschidzer (1921-2005) studied at the Moscow State Conservatoire and soon became one of the most outstanding trumpeters in the world. His excellence on the instrument led him to compile his Trumpet Method which has aided the studies of many aspiring trumpeters. Dokschidzer's performing career saw him play both classical and modern concertos. His distinctive style is thought to have been influenced by his love of opera. Trumpet Method seeks to address preparatory exercises, incorporating a range of musical features: Vocalises, which aid the progress of legato intervals, and Sequences which enable practice of technique. This Dokschidzer study book also intergrates a substantial exercise system. For all aspiring trumpeters, Doskchidzer's Trumpet Method is an essential aid to technical progress.”

頁數: 144
重量(g): 615.195
UPC: 888680858339

