Trois Sonates op. 1 Sonata II (g) 奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版
湯瑪斯-拜斯特羅姆(Thomas Byström,1772-1839 年)的主要作品是他的三首小提琴奏鳴曲,這三首奏鳴曲顯然完成於 1797 年。原標題'Trois sonates pour le clavecin our pianoforte avec accompagnement d'un violon oblige'(三首小提琴奏鳴曲)'讓人聯想到小提琴聲部被認為是鍵盤聲部次要聲部的臨時做法,這樣在必要時就可以在沒有小提琴的情況下演奏這首奏鳴曲。實際上,拜斯特羅姆的奏鳴曲是根植於古典時期的真正的室內樂作品,即使鋼琴在曲式中占主導地位,但兩個聲部對整體都有必要的貢獻"
作曲家: Bystroem, Thomas
樂器: harpsichord (piano) and violin
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Thomas Byström's (1772-1839) major compositions are his three violin sonatas which were evidently completed in 1797. The original title 'Trois sonates pour le clavecin our pianoforte avec accompagnement d'un violon oblige' recalls the temporary practice of the violin part being considered secondary to the keyboard part so that such a sonata could be performed without the violin if necessary. Actually Byström's sonatas are genuine chamber music works rooted in the Classical period, with both parts being necessary contributions to the whole even if the piano tends to dominate the texture.