Trio for Piano, Oboe and Bassoon 三重奏鋼琴 混和室內樂
為鋼琴、雙簧管和巴松管創作的'三重奏'受聖盧克管弦樂團、美國國家藝術基金會和瑪麗-弗拉格-凱裡慈善信託基金委託創作,1996 年 1 月 31 日由聖盧克室內樂團進行了世界首演"
作曲家: André Previn
樂器: Mixed Ensemble; Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Chester Music
Trio For Oboe, Bassoon, And Piano
'Trio' for Piano, Oboe and Bassoon was commissioned by The Orchestra of St. Luke's, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mary Flager Cary Charitable Trust, and its world premiere was performed by the St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble in 31 January 1996.