Tre Capricci op. 65/2 長笛獨奏 齊默爾曼版
Tre Capricci》既可作為獨奏曲,也可作為三重奏版本。也可以在某些獨奏部分中穿插二重奏部分。雖然《Tre Capricci》的概念屬於 ZM 22510 和 ZM 22530,但它也可以單獨演奏。不過,要實現這一點,需要新的演奏技巧"
作曲家: Michael, Frank
樂器: bassflute (flute), flute and Piccolo
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Tre Capricci can be performed both as solo piece as well as trio version. It is also possible to play certain solo parts which are interspersed by duet parts. Although Tre Capricci” belongs to ZM 22510 and ZM 22530 on account of its concept, it can also be performed individually. For its realisation, however, new playing techniques are required.