Toccata en Re Majeur pour Grand-Orgue for Organ 觸技曲 管風琴
馬塞爾-蘭奎特(Marcel Lanquetuit,1894-1985 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,後成為盧昂聖-戈達爾教堂的管風琴師。除了是當時傑出的管風琴演奏家外,朗凱特還是一位著名作曲家,但他選擇即興演奏而非寫作。不過,他的一些記譜作品仍保留了下來,其中包括 1927 年出版的氣勢恢宏的 D 大調托卡塔。D大調托卡塔具有典型的法國風格,是獻給朗克伊特的第一位老師阿爾貝-杜普雷(Albert Dupré)的。連綿不斷、錯落有致的和絃和令人難忘的旋律創造了一首獨一無二的管風琴托卡塔,是高級管風琴演奏家的必備曲目"
作曲家: Marcel Lanquetuit
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Toccata En Re Majeur Pour
Marcel Lanquetuit (1894-1985) studied at the Paris Conservatoire before becoming the organist at the church of Saint-Godard in Rouen. As well as being a prominent organist of his time, Lanquetuit was a renowned composer, but chose to improvise rather than write. A few of his notated compositions remain, however, including the grand and mighty Toccata in D Major, published in 1927. Toccata in D Major is typical of the French style and is dedicated to Lanquetuit's first teacher, Albert Dupré. The incessant, staccato chords and memorable melody create a toccata for organ like no other, making for an essential addition to the advanced organist's repertoire.