Thumb Position Duets and Exercises Introducing the Use of the Thumb on the Cello 拇指把位 練習曲 大提琴 大提琴練習曲 朔特版
本冊循序漸進地介紹了最重要的拇指技巧:首先,系統地介紹了拇指位置的四個指型。拇指首先放在八度和音上。之後,再增加其他拇指位置。在本冊的最後,將練習從一個拇指位置到另一個拇指位置的變化以及八度平行。為了不讓學生錯過樂趣,每個主題都附有 "量身定做 "的樂曲和作者從古典、民謠、搖滾和爵士樂中選取的編曲。許多樂曲還附有鋼琴聲部和 mp3 供下載。作者建議以多種方式使用這套綜合教材。可以毫無問題地改變順序。可以跳過章節或難點段落,稍後再練習。本冊應長期使用,但偶爾也可暫時擱置。它是加布裡埃爾-科佩恩(Gabriel Koeppen)的大提琴演奏法(肖特,第 1 冊:ED 20841)或其他教科書的理想補充
作曲家: Koeppen, Gabriel
樂器: cello (2. cello ad libitum)
出版社: Schott Music
This volume gradually introduces the most important thumb techniques:At first, the 4 finger patterns in thumb position are introduced systematically. The thumb first remains placed over the octave harmonics. Later, other thumb positions are added. At the end of the volume, the change from one thumb position to the other and the octave parallels are practised. In order that the student does not miss out on the fun, each topic comes with 'tailor-made' pieces and arrangements of the author from classical, folk, rock, and jazz music. Many pieces also come with piano parts and mp3s for download. The programme is completed by many examples from the classical cello literature.The author recommends using the comprehensive material in various ways. The order can be changed without any problems. Chapters or difficult passages can be skipped and practised later. This volume should be used over a longer period, yet can be occasionally laid aside for a while.Ideal to complement, for example, Gabriel Koeppen's cello method (Schott, volume 1: ED 20841) or any other textbook.