
Three Suites for Viola Solo Op. 131d Viola Solo 雷格馬克斯 中提琴 組曲 亨乐版

$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

馬克斯-雷格對巴赫的接受並不局限於管風琴和管弦樂隊。與巴赫一樣,雷格也希望為絃樂器獨奏創作奏鳴曲和組曲,這些作品不僅僅是練習曲,而是一部作曲彙編。其中包括他的三首中提琴獨奏組曲作品 131d。131d. 雷格爾在他生命的最後一年,即 1914/15 年出版了這些作品,同時出版的還有小提琴獨奏曲前奏曲和賦格曲六首、雙小提琴古風二重奏三首和大提琴獨奏組曲三首,並將所有這些作品歸入作品編號 131 下。中提琴獨奏組曲》Op. 中提琴獨奏組曲作品 131d 的烏爾文版以 1916 年的初版為基礎,初版使用的是現已遺失的手稿。編者在序言和評論報告中討論了該版本與第一版之間的所有差異"

作曲家: Max Reger
校訂者: Franz Beyer
樂器: Viola
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Reger: Suite e minor
Reger: Suite D major
Reger: Suite g minor

Max Reger's reception of Bach was not limited to the organ and orchestra. Like Bach, Reger wanted to compose sonatas and suites for a solo string instrument that were not merely etudes, but rather presented a compositional compendium. Among them are his three Suites for viola solo op. 131d. Reger published these in the last year of his life, 1914/15, together with Six Preludes and Fugues for violin solo, Three Duos in Ancient Style for two violins and Three Suites for violoncello solo, grouping all these works under the opus number 131. The present Urtext edition of the Suites for viola solo op. 131d is based on the first edition of 1916, which was prepared using the now lost manuscript. The editor discusses all the divergences between this edition and the first edition in his preface and Critical Report.
頁數: 24
重量(g): 121.905
UPC: 884088176617