
Three Piano Pieces D 946 and Two Fragmentary Piano Pieces D916/C Edited from the sources by Ulrich Leisinger, Notes on interpretation by Robert D. Levin, Fingerings by Paul Badura-Skoda 舒伯特 鋼琴小品 鋼琴小品 音符詮釋 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

$750TWD - $750TWD
$750TWD - $750TWD

作為《即興曲》和《音樂時刻》的補充,Wiener Urtext 版還推出了三首晚期鋼琴曲 D 946 的新版本。通過對舒伯特親筆簽名的仔細研究,我們對音樂文本進行了各種修改,例如在 D 946/2 中補充了一個小節。對於舒伯特在親筆簽名中刪去的 D 946/1 中的第二段插曲,該版本提供了一種新的處理方法,但卻被收錄在遺作初版中,同時也被現代音樂會所接受。自 20 世紀 70 年代以來,這些重奏曲目的單獨版本越來越受歡迎,現在已擴展到包括兩首鋼琴曲 D 916B/C,這兩首鋼琴曲以片段形式存世,由羅伯特-D-萊文(Robert D. Levin)嚴格遵守舒伯特的作曲原則完成。與三首 D 946 鋼琴小品一樣,這兩首作品也源于《即興曲》的背景,並以作曲家親筆草圖的形式留存下來。這兩部作品被收錄在這一卷中,使舒伯特晚期的鍵盤樂作品更加完整,並為鋼琴音樂會曲目提供了新的動力"

作曲家: Schubert, Franz
編者: Leisinger, Ulrich
校訂者: Badura-Skoda, Paul
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Klavierstück in es (D 946/1) - Klavierstück in Es (D 946/2) - Klavierstück in C (D 946/3) - Klavierstück (Fragment) in C (D 916B) - Klavierstück (Fragment) in c (D 916C)

Complementing the Impromptus and Moments musicaux, the Wiener Urtext Edition also presents a new edition of the three late piano pieces D 946. Careful study of Schubert's autographs has led to various retouchings in the musical text, in D 946/2 for instance to the supplementation of a bar. The edition offers a new approach to the issue of the second episode of D 946/1, deleted by Schubert in the autograph, but included in the posthumous first edition and meanwhile embraced in modern concert practice. The separate edition of these repertoire pieces that have enjoyed increasing popularity since the 1970s has been expanded to include the two piano piano pieces D 916B/C that have survived as fragments and have been completed by Robert D. Levin in close observance of Schubert's compositional principles. Like the three piano pieces D 946, both works originate from the context of the Impromptus and have survived in the composer's autograph sketches. Their inclusion in this volume completes the picture of Schubert's late keyboard output and provides new impulses for the pianistic concert repertoire.
頁數: 85
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790500573838
ISBN: 9783850557627
UPC: 800522003202
