
Three lyrical Pieces op. 73 for Violin and Piano 斯考特.西利爾 抒情的 小品 小提琴鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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西瑞爾-斯科特在 20 世紀初為小提琴和鋼琴創作了'三首抒情小品',並將它們獻給了他的朋友、吉爾德霍爾音樂學院教授、小提琴家保羅-斯托文。尤其是在小提琴的旋律線條中,一種詩意的音調語言躍然紙上。浪漫曲》以印象派的色彩表現手法給人留下深刻印象,尤其是鋼琴。在'Valse triste'中,這位奢華的作曲家不僅以他的作品聞名,還以他關於哲學、神秘學和順勢療法的著作而聞名,他在三四拍子的沙龍音樂中加入了有板有眼的小調"

作曲家: Scott, Cyril
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music

I Élégie - II Romance - III Valse triste

Cyril Scott composed the 'Three Lyrical Pieces' for violin and piano at the beginning of the 20th century and dedicated them to his friend, the violinist Paul Stoeving, professor at the Guildhall School of Music.'Élégie' strikes a delicate salon-like tone which runs through the entire three-part cycle. It is especially in the melodic lines of the violin that a dedidedly poetic tonal language emerges. 'Romance' impresses with Impressionist plays of colours, especially on the piano. In 'Valse triste', the extravagant composer, who had become known not only by his compositions but by writings on philosophy, occultism and homeopathy as well, adds to the salon music character in three-four time with well-measured minor clouding.
頁數: 32
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790001180573
