
Theme et Variations pour la Harpe 主題變奏曲

$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD
$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD

馬塞爾-圖尼埃(Marcel Tournier)的主題與變奏是為高級豎琴演奏家創作的曲目。樂曲以一個琶音和絃的主旋律開始,隨後是一系列變奏,包括和絃、琶音、滑音以及許多細微差別和速度變化。樂曲以中速快板開始,然後發展到快板、慢板,時而更有活力,時而更安靜。這首樂曲非常適合掌握速度、靈活性和敏捷性以及不同類型的細微差別。馬塞爾-圖尼埃(Marcel Tournier,1879-1951 年)是法國豎琴演奏家和教師。他曾在巴黎音樂學院師從阿爾方斯-哈塞爾曼斯(Alphonse Hasselmans),並創作了大量豎琴獨奏曲: 他創作了大量豎琴獨奏曲:俄羅斯搖籃曲六首聖誕四首前奏曲三幅圖像,第一組曲,作品 29等"

作曲家: Marcel Tournier
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Theme and Variations by Marcel Tournier is a piece for advanced harp players. Starting with a main theme of arpeggiated chords, the piece then follows with a number of variations, including chords, arpeggios, glissandos, and numerous nuances and speed variations. The piece starts in Allegro moderato, then evolving to Allegretto, Allegretto Scherzando, sometimes more energetic or quieter. This piece is great to master speed, flexibility and agility as well as the different types of nuances. Marcel Tournier (1879-1951) was a French harpist and teacher. He studied with Alphonse Hasselmans at the Paris Conservatoire and composed numerous pieces for solo harp: Russian Lullabies, Six Christmas, Four Preludes and Three Images, Suite 1, Op. 29, among many others.

頁數: 22
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 888680907761

