
The Techniques of the Oboe, Sonority and Mechanism - First Part 雙簧管

$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD
$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD

路易-布勒澤所著的《雙簧管技巧、音色與機制》是一本使用音階理性研究的雙簧管教學法。這本為初學者編寫的第一冊包括以下主題: 1. 音階 2. 力度 3. 音色 4. 發音 5. 顫音 另外兩卷的重點是 三度音階、律動、四度音階、律動、全音階、半音階、琶音和頓音。路易-布勒澤(1874-1941 年)是法國雙簧管演奏家,巴黎音樂學院教授"

作曲家: Louis Bleuzet
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
The Techniques of the Oboe, Sonority and Mechanism by Louis Bleuzet is a method for oboe, using the rational study of the scale. This first volume for beginners includes the following topics: 1. Scales 2. Mechanism 3. Sonority 4. Articulations 5. Trills. The two other volumes focus on: Scales in third, Mechanism, Scales in fourths, Mechanism, Whole tone scales, Chromatic scale, Arpeggios and Staccato. Louis Bleuzet (1874-1941) was a French oboist and a professor at the Paris Conservatoire.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 119.07
UPC: 888680853068

