The Technique of the Violon Vol. 2 Exercises, Scales and Arpeggios for the first position in all the Tones 克里克布姆 古提琴 練習曲 音階琶音 把位 音 小提琴教材 朔特版
作曲家: Crickboom, Mathieu
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Exercises of fingers - Extension. 1st position - The diminshed fifth - The shake. Double strings - Broken chords and double stopping - Changes of position. Minor seconds, major seconds, minor thirds - (Continuation) Marjor thirds, minor and major thirds. The portamento - Extensions. Third position. Major and minor scales in the three first positions - Changes of position (1st-4th position) - Changes of position (1st-3rd-5th positions) - Changes of position by changing the finger - Major and minor scales in the six first positions - Scales and arpeggios - Arpeggios. Chords of the diminished 7th - Arpeggios. Scales by tones - Double stopping. Thirds - Double stopping. Sixths - Double Stopping. Fourths - Double Stopping. Fifths - Double Stopping - Octaves - Arpeggios and Chords
Complement of the three first books of the method The Theory and Practice of the Violin by the same author.