The Technique of the Oboe - Volume 2 雙簧管
法國雙簧管演奏家路易-布勒澤(1874-1941 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,並獲得雙簧管一等獎。作為一名雙簧管演奏家,他的《雙簧管技巧》信息量非常大。布勒澤的職業生涯使他成為巴黎歌劇院的獨奏家和巴黎音樂學院的雙簧管教授。雙簧管技巧》出版於 1937 年,是作曲家在生命的最後階段編撰的。第三卷的重點是在各種節奏、時號、音程和其他方面的琶音和頓音。這本《布勒澤學習手冊》用英語、法語和德語進行了詳細的指導,具有很強的通用性,是所有雙簧管演奏家提高演奏技巧的必備之書
作曲家: Louis Bleuzet
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
French oboist, Louis Bleuzet (1874-1941) studied at the Paris Conservatoire where he won first prize for oboe. Being a virtuoso of the instrument himself, his The Technique of the Oboe is very well-informed. Bleuzet's career saw him become soloist at the Paris Opera as well as a professor of the oboe at the Paris Conservatoire. Published in 1937, The Technique of the Oboe was compiled by the composer toward the end of his life. The second volume gives focus to scales in thirds and fourths, mechanical exercises, whole tone scales and the chromatic scale. With detailed instruction in English, French and German, this Bleuzet study book is highly versatile and essential to the progression of all oboist's technique.