
The Sons of Liberty Irish Folksong 民謠 豎笛3把以上

$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD

弗蘭克-萊因沙根創作了這些改編曲,以一種有趣的方式拓寬了原曲的節奏和和聲背景,同時又不失其古老而憂傷的特色,堪稱小傑作。從直接或更廣泛的意義上講,這些原創曲調是 "凱爾特起源",換句話說,它們是從愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭和蓋爾音樂傳統中借鑒而來的。從節奏和技術角度看,這些通譜編曲非常容易演奏,但在調性、音調,尤其是詮釋方面卻有相當高的要求。這些樂曲的不同樂器之間完全相容,而且由於其整體結構,它們也適合與多樂部一起演奏: 自由之子》的原作年代較近,可追溯到英國國王強迫愛爾蘭農民的兒子到美洲打仗,對抗在那裡爭取自由的同胞。這首樂曲的編排給人的印象是,反復變化的旋律給人一種蓬勃向前的感覺。雖然這首曲子的調性(E 小調)有些難度,但從技術角度來看並不苛刻"

校訂者: Reinshagen, Frank
樂器: 4 clarinets
出版社: advance music GmbH
Writing these arrangements, Frank Reinshagen has created little masterpieces, which broaden the rhythmical and harmonic context of the original tunes in an interesting manner without detracting from their archaic and melancholic character. These original tunes are – in a direct or wider sense - of „Celtic origin, in other words, they have been borrowed from the Irish, Scottish and Gaelic musical tradition.These through-composed arrangements are rather easy to perform from the rhythmical and technical point of view. Yet, they are quite demanding in respect of the key they are written in, their intonation and, especially, their interpretation. Their different instrumentations are fully compatible with each other and, due to their overall structure, they are also suitable to be played with multi-scored parts.Annotation on Sons of Liberty: The original of Sons of Liberty is of a more recent date and goes back to the time when the King of England forced the Irish farmers' sons to go to war in America against their own fellow countrymen who were striving for freedom there. The arrangement conveys the impression of a vigorous forward motion created by a recurring and changing riff. Although it is written in a somewhat more difficult key (E minor), it is not too exacting from the technical point of view.

頁數: 22
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790206309274
ISBN: 9783892213284
UPC: 805095084177

