
The Seafaring Fiddler Violin Edition 提琴小提琴 小提琴獨奏 博浩版

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$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

2 首來自航海黃金時代的小提琴曲,包括舞曲、棚曲(工作歌)、娛樂性的 "前奏曲 "和創作旋律,展現了陸地人對海洋的浪漫情懷。愛德華-休斯-鐘斯(Edward Huws Jones)解釋說:"在航海的鼎盛時期,最繁忙的海上航線是北大西洋航線,尤其是利物浦和美國棉花港口之間的航線;正是非洲裔美國人和愛爾蘭音樂的交融催生了本世紀中期海上棚曲的繁榮。與此同時,講英語的船隻正駛向開普、印度、澳大利亞和其他許多遙遠的目的地,載歌載舞,雙向交流"。本曲集中的曲調都可以作為無伴奏小提琴曲演奏,這也是航海時代的演奏方式。但正如《提琴手》系列的其他書籍一樣,靈活的形式允許多種不同的組合和合奏。適合中級和初級標準演奏者"

編者: Huws Jones, Edward
樂器: violin
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Don't you see the ships a-coming? - The sailors' dance (H. Purcell) - The Liverpool hornpipe - The leaving of Liverpool - We be three poor mariners (T. Ravenscroft) - Spanish ladies - South Australia - Santy Anna - The new-rigged ship - The sloop John B - Litten's hornpipe - The Greenland whale fishery - Row well, ye mariners - The shores of Botany Bay - Hornpipe (A. Sullivan) - The tipsy sailor - Jack Tar - Farewell, lovely Nancy - Henry Martin - The three sea captains - Portsmouth (H. Playford) - The quayside

22 fiddle tunes from the golden age of sail, featuring dance tunes, shanties (work songs), recreational ‘forebitters’ and composed melodies which give the landlubber’s take on the romance of the sea. Edward Huws Jones explains that “during the heyday of sail, the busiest sea-routes of all were the North Atlantic crossings, especially between Liverpool and the American cotton ports; it was the heady mixture of African-American and Irish music which gave birth to the mid-century flowering of the sea shanty. Meanwhile English-speaking vessels were sailing to the Cape, India, Australia and many other far-flung destinations, carrying a two-way traffic of song and dance.” The tunes in this collection can all be played as unaccompanied fiddle tunes, which is how they would have been played in the days of sail. But as in other books in the Fiddler series, the flexible format allows a wide variety of different combinations and ensembles. Suitable for intermediate and elementary standard performers.
頁數: 44
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790060129513
ISBN: 9781784540487
UPC: 888680095000
