The North Shore for cello and piano 布萊亞斯 大提琴鋼琴 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
這是一部優美、大氣的作品,靈感來自約克郡的惠特比港口。 這首曲子最初是為中提琴而作,但在大提琴上卻表現得非常出色,這一版本已被廣泛演奏。 由達米亞諾-普利蒂(Damiano Puliti)和亞曆山德羅-加羅西(Alessandro Garosi)錄製在 Materiali Sonori MASO CD 90108 上
作曲家: Bryars, Gavin
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
A beautiful, atmospheric work, inspired by the Yorkshire port of Whitby. Originally written for viola, it lies very well for the cello and has been performed widely in this version. Recorded by Damiano Puliti and Alessandro Garosi on Materiali Sonori MASO CD 90108.