
The Masters of the Violin Band 7 Twelve books of Studies revised, annotated and fingered by Mathieu Crickboom 克里克布姆 小提琴 小提琴練習曲 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$2,380TWD - $2,380TWD
$2,380TWD - $2,380TWD


作曲家: Crickboom, Mathieu
校訂者: Rappoldi, Adrian
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
These studies have been revised after the original editions. The author's indications of tempo or nuances are placed in parenthesis.Certain of these studies are preceded by examples demonstrating different ways of playing them.The professeur may choose amongst these the most appropriate for the work of each pupil, who should endeavour to produce in the study all the variety of tone possible.It is almost useless to say that the bowings, detached, martelé, smooth, staccato, may be executed in all parts of the bow, in employing a large of very small portion of it. Also only the most essential bowings are shown.It is quite evident that the metronomic movement indicated is at fault if the pupil executes the passage in a slower or more accelerated tempo, or again, with a different nuance.The pupil will remember also that if the little notes, dumb notes, are applied in the preparatory work, they must be perceptible only in the bar indicated by the expression of the melody. As an aid to expression, they should disappear entirely in the quick passages.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790502450045

