
The Klezmer Fiddler (New Edition) Jewish music of celebration 提琴 猶太音樂 小提琴獨奏 博浩版

$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD
$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

愛德華-休斯-鐘斯(Edward Huws Jones)廣受歡迎的傳統小提琴曲目系列,現在配有專家錄製的音訊 CD。新的音訊資源包含豐富多彩的樂器伴奏音軌和完整的示範,將幫助和激勵您的私人練習和公開演出。這些豐富的正宗樂曲集,有的耳熟能詳,有的更具異國情調,但都經過忠實編排,讓您能夠創建自己的小提琴音樂會、藍草俱樂部或查蘭加樂隊。小提琴版包括可選的簡易小提琴部分和吉他和絃,而完整版還包括鍵盤和小提琴伴奏。無論哪種形式都非常靈活,這意味著這些音樂既可以獨奏、二重奏或三重奏,也可以與更大的樂隊一起演奏。在每本書中,他都會解釋特定音樂風格的背景,並為生動的演奏提出自己的建議"

編者: Huws Jones, Edward
樂器: violin (2 violins) and piano, guitar ad libitum
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Preface and performance notes - Préface et notes aux exécutants - Vorwort und Aufführungshinweise - Bulgar from Odessa (Odessa Bulgar) - At the Rabbi's Feast (Baym rebns sude) - Freylechs from Bukovina (Bukoviner freylekhs) - Freylechs from Warsaw (Varshaver freylekhs) - Leading the In-laws Home (Firn di mekhutonim aheym) - In-laws' Dance (Mekhutonim tants) - Sweet Father (Tate ziser) - Dance of Displeasure (Broyges tants) - Bulgar from Kishinev (Kishinever bulgar) - Dance of Delight (Frelyekh tants) - Doina (Doyna) - Street Melody (Der gasn nign) - The Wise Man's Song (Dem tradiks zemerl) - Little Galitsian Dance (Galitsianer tentsl) - Jewish Wedding Song (Khosn kale mazl tov) - Dance! Dance! (Tants, yidelekh, tants!)

Edward Huws Jones’ popular series of traditional fiddle repertoire, now available with expertly-recorded audio CD. Containing colourful instrumental backing tracks and full demonstrations, the new audio resource will aid and inspire your private practice and public performance alike. These generous collections of authentic music, some familiar, some more exotic, but all of it faithfully arranged, enable you to create your own ceilidh, bluegrass club or charanga band.The violin edition includes optional easy violin part and guitar chords, whilst the complete edition also includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either format is highly flexible, which means the music can be played as solos, duets or trios as well as with larger ensembles.Edwards Huws Jones has travelled extensively researching fiddle-playing traditions. In each book he explains the background of the particular musical style, giving his own suggestions for a lively performance.
頁數: 102
重量(g): 370
ISMN: 9790060124112
ISBN: 9780851626802
UPC: 884088965525
