
The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing Vol. 1 Basic Exercises 塔爾.愛德華 巴洛克小號 練習曲 小號教材 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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這三卷書是著名作家和演奏家作為 Schola Cantorum Basiliensis 這一歷史銅管樂器的講師和教師,對其開創性努力和多年經驗的總結。雖然這三本小冊子主要是為巴羅克小號或自然小號的演奏者編寫的,但對於那些希望在巴羅克演奏實踐中獲得啟迪的現代活瓣樂器演奏者來說,這三本小冊子也是必不可少的讀物。這些練習曲和樂曲形式多樣,其中一些取自 19 世紀的演奏方法,是一套系統的教學課程,有助於解決所有技術和音樂問題,尤其是與合奏有關的問題"

作曲家: Tarr, Edward H.
樂器: trumpet
出版社: Schott Music
These three volumes are a summary by the renowned author and performer of his pioneering efforts and many years of experience as lecturer and teacher of this historical brass instrument at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Though conceived mainly for players of Baroque or natural trumpets, they are also essential reading for players of modern valve instruments who aim for an enlightened approach to Baroque performance practice. The varied exercises and pieces, some taken from 19th-century methods, add up to a systematic course of tuition helping to solve all technical and musical problems, particularly those connected with ensemble playing.

語言: German - English
頁數: 128
重量(g): 500
ISMN: 9790001123242
ISBN: 9783795753771

