
Technique de Mon Langage Musical - Version Francais 梅湘

$4,080TWD - $4,080TWD
$4,080TWD - $4,080TWD

奧利維耶-梅西安是一位獨具魅力的作曲家,他將作曲的傳統推向了極致。這位元作曲家的音樂一直廣受歡迎,而《我的音樂語言技巧》則為研究他的悅耳音樂提供了關鍵和必要的知識。奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen,1908-1992 年)年僅 11 歲就考入巴黎音樂學院,並在那裡屢獲殊榮。作為一名狂熱的鳥類學家、管風琴演奏家和作曲家,梅西安的許多作品都描繪了鳥鳴。他的音樂節奏複雜,和聲和旋律獨特,經常使用有限轉調的模式。正是基於這些原因,作曲家編撰了《我的音樂語言技巧》。書中的文字結合音樂實例,介紹了他音樂中的獨特元素,如雙音音樂、他的節奏記譜法和有限轉調模式等。對於所有梅西安的樂迷來說,《我的音樂語言技巧》對於理解作曲家深受喜愛的音樂是必不可少的

作曲家: Olivier Messiaen
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Being a fascinatingly unique composer, Olivier Messiaen pushes the conventions of composition to its very limits. The composer's music remains ever-popular and The Technique of My Musical Language provides the key and necessary knowledge in to the study of his delightful music. Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire at the mere age of 11, where he won many prizes. As a passionate ornithologist, as well as organist and composer, many of Messiaen's works depict bird song. His music is rhythmically complex and harmonically and melodically distinct, often using modes of limited transposition. It is for these reasons that the composer compiled The Technique of My Musical Language. The book contains text with musical examples, describing unique elements of his music, such as ametrical music, his rhythmic notations and his modes of limited transposition, among many others. For all fans of Messiaen, The Technique of My Musical Language is essential to the understanding of the composer's much loved music.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 456.435
UPC: 888680860196

