Take Seven Concert Piece 音樂會曲 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
Take Seven》是一首久經考驗、深受聽眾喜愛的表演曲目。 標題 "Take Seven "當然是保羅-德斯蒙德著名的 "Take Five "和戴夫-布魯貝克四重奏(Dave Brubeck Quartet)錄製的 "Take Five "的諧音。 與前者一樣,這首曲子的節奏主要基於非對稱節拍,即 7/4 拍。 然而,與大多數採用不對稱節拍的爵士樂作品不同的是,《Take Seven》經歷了不同的情緒、段落和節奏變化,從不同角度揭示了主旋律"
作曲家: Koehler, Wolfgang
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Take Seven is a tried and trusted showpiece with audience appeal. The title Take Seven is of course a play on Paul Desmonds famous Take Five and its recording by the Dave Brubeck Quartet. As there, the rhythms in this piece are largely based on an asymmetric metre in this case, 7/4 time. Unlike most jazz pieces with an uneven metre, however, Take Seven goes through various moods, sections and tempo changes, illuminating the main theme from different angles.