Symphonie-Passion pour Grand Orgue - Op. 23 管風琴
法國管風琴家和作曲家馬塞爾-杜普雷(Marcel Dupré,1886-1971 年)也是一位重要的教育家。不過,他在管風琴曲目中的地位仍然是絕對的,他的作品包括《激情交響曲》。杜普雷曾在巴黎音樂學院師從路易-維耶納(Louis Vierne)和夏爾-瑪麗-維多(Charles-Marie Widor),並在鋼琴、管風琴和賦格方面獲獎,還獲得過羅馬大獎。他是著名的管風琴演奏家,能夠憑記憶演奏 J. S. 巴赫為管風琴創作的全部作品。杜普雷的Op.23管風琴受難交響曲由四個樂章組成,描繪了基督的一生:1)世界等待救世主;2)誕生;3)受難;4)復活。所有樂章都展現了高超的演奏技巧和音樂的完整性。杜普雷的作曲和說教作品對今天的管風琴演奏家仍然非常重要,他的《激情交響曲》也不例外"
作曲家: Marcel Dupré
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Symphonie-Passion Op. 23
French organist and composer, Marcel Dupré (1886-1971) is also remembered as a significant pedagogue. However, his prominence within the organ repertoire remains absolute with sublime works, including his Passion Symphony. Dupré studied at the Paris Conservatoire with Louis Vierne and Charles-Marie Widor, where he won prizes for piano, organ and fugue, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He was a famous organ virtuoso and was able to perform the entire works composed for the instrument by J. S. Bach from memory. Dupré's Op. 23, the Passion Symphony for Organ is made up of four movements depicting the life of Christ; 1) The World awaiting the Saviour, 2) Nativity, 3) Crucifixion, and 4) Resurrection. All of the movements display a high degree of virtuosic technique and musical integrity. Dupré's compositions and didactic works remain important to organists today and his Passion Symphony is no exception.